FAMILLE MARY Miel de thym des garrigues d Aragon Thyme honey from the garrigues of Aragon (from Spain) 360 g
Thyme is among those natural gifts that elegantly and unobtrusively bring emotion into our lives, along with its other virtues – a fragrant aroma, a magnetic taste and many healing properties. It is often an element of the modern trend of comfort food in nutrition, because it provokes nostalgia, sharing and natural simplicity. It is not by chance that the popular name of thyme in our country is “grandmother's thyme” – two words that describe the rich sensitivity of the small semi-shrub, covering entire meadows and a real temptation for honey bees with its flowers.
A unique taste with the aroma of a Mediterranean paradise
Miel de thym des garrigues d'Aragon by Famille Mary® (Thyme honey from the Aragon region, Spain) is not just a representative of one of the many types of honey in the world, it is extremely special. Its taste is delicate, but at the same time pronounced and rich, with a gentle aftertaste with the aroma of thyme, and the color is golden-amber. These qualities are even more pronounced because the bees have collected nectar from plants grown under the hot Mediterranean sun. It is they who give it a strong character and powerful flavor, a dose of passion, like the land of the Spanish province of Aragon, from where one of the best thyme honeys in the world comes.
Elegance in the kitchen
Thyme honey has a special place in the kitchen of connoisseurs of good food. For culinary aesthetes and gourmets, it is a perfect complement to goat cheese on a slice of toast or enhances the aroma of lemon on grilled fish. Skewers are marinated with thyme honey, because during grilling the meat caramelizes.
A true classic, however, is a cup of warm tea with a spoonful of thyme honey, which is a treat before bed and soothes the stomach. Plus, thanks to its lower glycemic index than white sugar, it adds a healthy sweet note to your hot drink and is the best natural sweetener.
French quality combined with Spanish passion
If you want to treat your senses to real, 100% monofloral thyme honey, try Miel de thym des garrigues d'Aragon (Thyme honey from the Garrigues of Aragon, Spain), obtained from hives in the Pyrenees. From there, the honeycombs are collected by the caring hands of the French beekeepers of Famille Mary®, who transform them into a quality product for connoisseurs all over the world.
Famille Mary® is a family company with a history dating back to 1921, which began with…grandfather’s mill in the heart of the Anjou region in the Loire Valley. Today, the family memory is preserved through the Beau-Rivage honey house, where Famille Mary produces and offers a wide selection of the best pure honeys, famous all over the world, and their quality is guaranteed by strict laboratory analysis and control.
Undeniable health benefits
Thyme honey is also recognized for its many beneficial properties, and Miel de thym des garrigues d'Aragon (Thyme honey from the Aragon region, Spain) is a real proof of this. It exhibits strong antioxidant properties and thus becomes an ally against cell aging. It is also rich in phenols with real healing power and two antiseptic and antibacterial compounds - thymol and carvacrol, which are considered the predecessors of modern antibiotics. Science is discovering more and more new healing benefits of thyme honey, which are due to the composition of the plant of the same name. According to Professor Paul Lee from the University of California at Santa Cruz, thyme successfully supports the thymus gland and thus actively stimulates immunity.
The unique chemical composition of thyme makes it an herb with a powerful healing effect due to the presence of:
A large amount of vitamin C and vitamin B, which strengthen immunity and have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Iron, which provides oxygen to all organs and tissues.
Manganese and potassium, normalizing blood pressure.
Carotenoids that slow down the aging of the body.
Antioxidants that cleanse the body of free radicals.
Thymol and carvacrol, contained in thyme essential oil, eliminate various pathogenic organisms.
Omega-3 fatty acids lower cholesterol.
What is Miel de thym des garrigues d'Aragon useful for (Thyme honey from the Aragon region, Spain)
Due to its high essential oil content, thyme is a good carminative and is used for digestive problems, gas in the stomach, and sluggish digestive tract. It relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, gastritis, cramps, bloating, etc.
It has very strong antiseptic (destroys and protects against microbes) properties. Thyme essential oil has a strong bactericidal effect. It also has a fungicidal effect. It is also highly active against pathogenic fungi, tapeworms and trichocephalus.
Helps with respiratory infections. Used for laryngitis, soothing sore throats or irritating coughs. Thyme is an excellent medicinal herb and has an expectorant effect, while at the same time soothing frequent spasms. Used for bronchitis, spastic coughs and asthma.
It protects against cardiovascular diseases and stimulates brain function thanks to omega-3 fatty acids.
It regulates blood pressure, improves blood circulation and increases iron in the blood.
Has an astringent effect for diarrhea
Helps with headaches, migraines and muscle pain.
Accelerates the treatment of kidney and urinary tract infections.
Eliminates bad breath.
Improves sleep, memory and concentration.
Normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes.
Helps with rheumatism and joint pain.
Improves skin condition.
Restores strength and tones.
*Tends to harden in the cold. If necessary, melt slightly in a water bath.
Since 1921, Famille Mary has offered a wide selection of the finest pure honeys, with guaranteed laboratory analysis.
Thyme honey is characterized by a specific taste and strong aroma.
Dosage and administration
*Tends to harden in the cold. If necessary, melt slightly in a water bath.
Storage: In a dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Expiration and batch: Marked on the packaging.
Net weight: 360g