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EVA INTIMA Wash Cransept pH 3.5 Daily cleansing, protection and relief of the sensitive intimate area 250ml

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Eva Intima

Manufacturer :

INTERMED S.A. Pharmaceutical Laboratories

26.99 лв

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EVA INTIMA Wash Cransept pH 3.5 Daily cleansing, protection and relief of the sensitive intimate area 250ml

Eva Intima Wash Cransept pH 3.5 - Daily cleansing, protection and relief of the sensitive intimate area in case of recurrent urinary tract infections. Eva Intima Wash Cransept cleansing gel is a specially developed mild daily liquid without soap, which is compatible with the physiology of the sensitive area of women of all ages. It gently cleanses, removing secretions and odors, without drying or irritating the skin, leaving a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Its choice is ideal in cases where there is a need for intensive antimicrobial protection due to the occurrence of recurrent urinary tract infections. The use of Eva Intima cleansing gel is beneficial during the treatment of urinary tract infections, as well as at its end, contributing to the successful treatment and prevention of this type of infection. Application: For external use. For daily care. To be used as often as necessary. Cranberry, Rosemary, Thyme, Chamomile, Aloe Barbadensis, Sage, Prebiotic, Prickly Pear.

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