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LONG LIFE syrup 200ml

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LONG LIFE syrup 200ml

LONG LIFE syrup 200ml

Long Life by Mirta Medicus. Elixir for health, longevity and tone! Slows down aging processes; Tones the body; Contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems; Supports the normal detoxification of the body through the activity of the intestines, liver, kidneys, respiratory tract and skin; Supports metabolic processes at the cellular level; *Note: Silivryaka (Orpheus flower) is a protected species. The Long Life product was manufactured according to a certificate dated 30.07.2014, based on a permit of the NSZP No. 3980/24.04.2008, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Composition - for 20 ml - maximum daily intake: Rosehip flakes (Fr. Rosa canina, extr.) - 13% Hawthorn - flower and leaf (Fl. et Fol.Crataegus, extr.) - 10.5% Common juniper - fruit (Fr. Juniperus communis, extr.) - 10.5% Buckthorn - flower (Fl. Onopordum acanthium, extr.) - 10.5% Black elder - flower (Fl. Sambucus nigra, extr. - 7.9% Blood geranium - root (Rad. Geranium sanguineum, extr.) - 7.9% Yarrow - stalk (Hb. Geum urbanum, extr.) - 7.9% Yarrow - stalk (Hb. Achilea millefolium,extr.) - 5.3% Yarrow - stalk (Hb. Galium verum, extr.) - 5.3% Tricolor violet - stem (Hb. Viola tricolor, extr.) - 5.3% Mursal tea - stem (Hb. Sideritis scardica, extr.) - 5.3% Valerian - root (Rad. Valeriana officianalis, extr.) - 5.3% Tsariche - stem (Hb. Alchemilla vulgaris, extr.) - 5.3% Silivryak - leaf (Fol. Haberlea rhodopensis, extr.) - 200µg

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 50 лв. без значение от теглото!

Цена от - доЦена на доставка
0 - 25 лв.3, 90 лв.
25 - 50 лв.3, 80 лв.
над 50 лв.Безплатна

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