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ALORA syrup 100 ml

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ALORA syrup 100 ml

What does Alora contain?

Each 5ml of Alora syrup contains 694,444 mg of Pasiflorae extractum fluidum.
You can find Alora in a bottle of 100 ml, in the box there is a measuring spoon with a capacity of 5 ml.

How does Alora work?
Passiflora extract is a sedative medicine that is obtained from the natural plant Passiflora incarnata. As active ingredients, it contains alkaloids such as harmine, aribine and some flavonoids such as vitexin and orientin.

What does Alora treat?
Alora is indicated for the symptomatic relief of the following conditions:

  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders
  • nervousness
  • general nervous excitement
  • insomnia
  • nervousness during menstruation and menopause

When should Alora not be used?
Alora is contraindicated in patients with a known allergy to some of the product's ingredients.

Special warnings and precautions during treatment with Alora
The central depressant action of the medication should be taken into account: especially when driving and working with machines requiring concentration of attention. The medicinal product contains 1.527 mg sucrose and should not be administered to people with congenital fructose intolerance, glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome or sucrose/isomaltase deficiency. It contains 11 vol% ethanol and should be used with caution if you suffer from liver disease, alcoholism, epilepsy, brain damage or disease. The medicinal product contains glycerol, which in high doses can cause headache, stomach irritation and diarrhea. Parahydroxybenzoate content may rarely cause urticaria.

Use in pregnant and lactating women
Pregnant women can take it only after careful consideration by a doctor.

What interactions might there be between Alora and other medications you are being treated with?
Concomitant use with central nervous system depressants (such as alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers) can enhance the sedative and hypnotic effect. Concomitant use with Disulfiram should be avoided. In patients using Aspartame, urinary sediment (phenylketonuria) should be monitored.

How to take Alora?
The dosage and duration of treatment are determined by your attending physician. Recommended doses for adults and children over 3 years of age:

In adults:

  • to achieve a calming (sedative) effect throughout the day, 5-10 ml (1-2 scoops) of Alora should be taken before the main meals.
  • in case of sleep disorders, take 10 ml (2 spoons) of Alora before going to bed.

In children (over 3 years of age):

  • Seek advice from your doctor. The amount of one dose should not exceed half a spoon.

There isn't.

What side effects can Alora cause?
With proper use in the indicated therapeutic doses, no adverse drug reactions have been observed. Manifestation of hypersensitivity is possible.


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