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SYSTANE complete moisturizing eye drops 10ml

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31.69 лв

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SYSTANE complete moisturizing eye drops 10ml

Cysteine Complete without preservative contains a unique combination of hydroxypropyl guar (HP guar) and nano-lipid particles - they hydrate and protect all layers of the tear film. Clinically proven to relieve dry eye symptoms for up to 8 hours.

Systane COMPLETE MDPF moisturizing eye drops without preservative:

∙ 8 hours of relief for any type of "dry" eye

∙ Soothes, hydrates and restores

∙ For red, tired, dry eyes

∙ Can use before/after contact lenses


∙ Cysteine Complete without preservative is applied 1-2 drops in the conjunctival sac of the eye as needed

Manufacturer: Alcon

Basic price (CIP): BGN 21.04 without VAT

Barcode: 300651509960

Storage conditions: below 30 °C

Shelf life after opening: 3 months

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 50 лв. без значение от теглото!

Цена от - доЦена на доставка
0 - 25 лв.3, 90 лв.
25 - 50 лв.3, 80 лв.
над 50 лв.Безплатна

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