OMRON E3 IntenseElectrostimulator
OMRON E3 IntenseElectrostimulator |
is an electronic device - an electrostimulator that relieves muscle and joint pain. Omron E3 Intense works by applying electrical stimulation to the nerve endings on the surface of the skin near the site of pain. Helps relieve stiffness in the lower back, arms, legs, shoulders and feet. It has six programs for specific areas of the body - for the waist, shoulders, arms, legs, feet and joints. It offers 3 options for massage - tapping, kneading and rubbing. With intensity levels from 1 to 15. The electrodes offered with the device have a long life, by washing after use they can be used up to 150 times. The electrostimulator is fast - 15 minutes of treatment. The device is portable, with a compact design that makes it convenient to carry anywhere. With a large display for easy operation. Comes complete with belt clip.