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ETERIKA green lemon 10ml

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ETERIKA green lemon 10ml

ETERIKA green lemon 10ml

Action: Lime essential oil restores the body's strength, creates a mood and dispels bad thoughts. It helps to increase concentration of attention and memory power. Strengthens the immune system and the body. Helps relieve muscle and joint pain, breathing problems, colds and flu. Cleanses and regenerates the skin.
Application: External!
Aroma lamp: 3-5 drops of the oil added to an aroma lamp have a relaxing effect, eliminating fatigue and headaches and improving sleep.
Inhalation: Boil 1 liter of water and add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Vapors are inhaled for 10 minutes up to twice a day.
Cold inhalation: 1 to 2 drops on a tissue are inhaled for 5-10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day.
Gargle: 1-2 drops drip on 1 tablespoon of honey and dissolve in 1 teacup of warm water.
Gargling: Drip 2 drops on 1 tablespoon of honey and wait until they dissolve in 1 teacup of warm water, take up to 5-7 times a day.
Bath: Put 7-10 drops in the bath. The whole body is immersed for 10 minutes without the head, neck and upper chest.
Massage: 20 drops are mixed with 55 ml of base oil (almond, wheat germ, jojoba, apricot kernel, etc.)
Enriching shampoos: 3-5 drops per 100 ml
It is necessary to initially do a product tolerance test - apply and rub the mixture into the inner part of the elbow fold and wait 4-6 hours for a skin and general body reaction.
Attention! Highly concentrated! Keep well closed and out of reach of children!
Packaging: 10 ml

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