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RIVANA cinnamon oil 10ml

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RIVANA cinnamon oil 10ml


Invigorating, stimulating, tonic, antidepressant, appetite stimulant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative hemostatic, improving blood circulation, disinfecting, deodorizing.

Effect on the body: Stimulates the immune system, in case of colds, cough, loss of voice, inflammation of the respiratory tract, as a remedy against vertigo, fainting and nausea. Stimulates appetite by stimulating sweating, salivation and gastric secretion, removes the feeling of heaviness after eating. Eliminates bad breath. Accelerates the metabolism, prevents the formation of cellulite. Stimulates blood circulation and cell nutrition in aging and withered skin. It improves the blood supply to the hair roots and helps with hair loss. Neutralizes insect bites. Stimulates sexual desire and enhances sexual capabilities by encouraging activity in impotence and frigidity. Removes unpleasant odors in rooms.

Effect on mind and spirit: Invigorates after severe mental fatigue. Eliminates nervous disorders and depressive states by improving mood, restoring optimism, confidence, strength and initiative. Improves concentration of mind, increases willpower, regulates chaos and confusion of feelings. It relaxes and creates an atmosphere of warmth, peace of mind and tranquility.

Method of use:

- Aroma lamp: aphrodisiac, invigorating for flu, deodorizing the air - 5.6 drops.

- Aromamedalion: deodorizing, mental fatigue, fainting, vertigo - 1.2 drops.

- Gargle: for sore throat, cough - for 1 hour warm water / on emulsifier sugar, soda, salt, honey / 1-2 drops of cinnamon.

- Gargling: with bad breath in the mouth - 1 drop of cinnamon in half a glass of water.

- Bath: for toning, for colds, nervous disorders, mental fatigue, for sexual desire, for toning the uterine muscles - 6.8 drops of cinnamon.

- Inhalations: for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sexual disorders - put 3.4 drops of cinnamon oil per 1 liter of hot water in a bowl and inhale for 10 minutes.

- Massage: For colds, body exhaustion, aging skin, enhancement of sexual desire: per 50 ml. base oil /grape seed, avocado, almond, jojoba/ 25 drops of cinnamon each.

- Aromaspray: for deodorizing, removing bad smells - 15 - 20 drops of cinnamon in 250 ml. water, shake the bottle and spray the room.

- Enrichment of anti-hair loss shampoo: to be added to 100 ml. shampoo 10, 15 drops of cinnamon.

- Enrichment of face creams: for aging skin - 2 drops of cinnamon per 50 g of cream.

Contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to cinnamon.


It is stored at a temperature of 7 to 25 C in the dark in a tightly closed package.
Keep away from children!

In case of contact with eyes, wash thoroughly with water.

Do not use in its pure form on the skin before exposure to sunlight! Take an allergy test!


Consult an aromatherapist or doctor for treatment!

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