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WATER FOR HEALTH PH test strips x 100

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WATER FOR HEALTH PH test strips x 100

WATER FOR HEALTH PH test strips x 100

Special test paper for saliva and urine. Spectrum of pH test strips: pH 4.5-pH 9.0. Test your body's pH. Results in 15 seconds.

Instructions for use

To test urine: Test the first and second urine of the day. To test, briefly insert the pH strip while urinating, shake off any remaining liquid, and wait 15 seconds to read your pH.

For saliva testing: Wait 2 hours after eating. Spit into a spoon, dip the pH strip and wait 15 seconds to read your pH. Do not place the pH strips directly in your mouth.

After immersion in saliva or urine, the reading of the result is done by comparing the two colors of the strip with the colors of the scales on the face and back of the box. Calculate the value of the two colors according to which are the closest colors from the value scale. The corresponding value is recorded and an arithmetic average is taken. Example: If the top color (orange before dipping/compared to the top row) matches the color below 6.75 and the bottom color (yellow before dipping/compares to the bottom row) matches the color below 6.25 the end result is 6.50.

Important: For urine testing, it is best to take readings from the first and second urine in the morning, then take an arithmetic average. Saliva testing should be done 2 hours after the last meal.

Results: Use the color chart for the correct indication. An optimal reading is 7.0-7.5. A reading of 7.0 is normal. A reading of 6.5 is slightly acidic. A reading below 6.5 is acidic and a reading below 6.0 is very acidic.

pH Test Strips Note: Urine is slightly more acidic than saliva; a normal reading is 6.75 to 7.25. Test several times a day and daily over a longer period of time to get an average reading. Once you have recorded your results, we recommend that you consult a trained medical professional.

Why should you measure the pH level?

If the pH is too acidic, it can cause: a decline in the immune system, headaches, indigestion and stomach irritation, increased risk of diabetes.

A constant and balanced pH is vital for the body; the molecular shape of proteins, for example, and thus the normal structure of cellular constituents, is pH-dependent.

Storage: In a dry and cool place. After use, immediately close the lid of the package tightly. Do not touch the cover of the test areas. For in-vitro (outside the body) use only.

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