As the colder months of the year approach, so does flu and cold season. The feeling of exhaustion, fatigue and high temperature accompanied by cough require more rest at home and undertaking adequate treatment.
In this article, you will learn more about the most common symptoms of the flu, what the incubation period is, how to prevent it, and how it is treated.
What is the flu?
Influenza is a type of infectious respiratory disease caused by infection with the influenza virus. In European countries, it most often manifests itself in the winter months in the form of seasonal flu epidemics.
Flu symptoms
At first, seasonal flu can look like a cold because of the similar symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat. Unlike her, however, it occurs quickly and often includes:
shortness of breath;
muscle pain;
stuffy or runny nose;
eye pain;
dry and persistent cough;
sore throat;
The last two symptoms are more common in young children than in adults.
How does the flu spread?
Influenza is a contagious infection that is transmitted through direct or indirect contact with other people. This happens through the airborne route through coughing or sneezing, as a result of which droplets fall on the hands or are inhaled and enter the mouth and nose.
Another way you can get the flu is by touching a dirty and infected surface — desks, laptops, doorknobs, phones, etc. — and then touching your face (nose, eyes, or mouth).
The third option for contracting seasonal flu is through its direct transmission — hand-to-hand, hand-to-mouth, hand-to-eye, in cases where the hands of a healthy person have had contact with those of a sick person.
Vulnerable groups
Everyone gets seasonal flu sooner or later, but there is a group of people who are more vulnerable and have a harder time with the virus due to a weakened immune system or an increased body mass index. At higher risk of complications from the infectious respiratory disease are:
- young children and babies;
- the elderly over 65 years of age;
- pregnant women or new mothers;
- nursing mothers;
- those suffering from asthma, diabetes or heart, kidney or liver disease;
- stroke survivors;
- those working in hospices, hospitals, schools, etc.
Инкубационен период на вируса
Заразата започва да се разпространява в организма около ден преди появата на първите симптоми и продължава до 5-7 дни след това. Малките деца и възрастните с отслабена имунна система са заразни за по-дълъг период от време.
Възможни усложнение при грип
Грипният вирус може да причини усложнения поради отслабената имунна система на болния. Те могат да доведат до вторична инфекция, когато бактерии заразят различни части на тялото, поради отслабения имунитет.
Усложненията могат да включват:
- тежка белодробна инфекция, по-известна като пневмония, водеща до остър респираторен дистрес;
- спонтанен аборт;
- проблеми и дефекти на невралната тръба в плода при бременна жена;
- бронхит;
- обостряне на астма;
- сърдечни проблеми;
- синдром на остра респираторна недостатъчност;
- ушна инфекция;
- инфекция на синусите.